As a user-space process, it's also easy to attach a debugger such as the GNU Debugger ( GDB) to provide even greater insight into scheduler operation. 作为用户空间进程,也很容易附加一个调试器(如GNUDebugger(GDB))来更深入地了解调度器操作。
The Monitor model debugger was added in Monitor V6.1.2 as way to understand the operation of a monitor model and to identify and resolve model logic problems. 在MonitorV6.1.2中添加了Monitor模型调试工具,以了解监视器模型的操作,并确定和解决模型逻辑问题。
Information Rights Management cannot operate in the presence of a debugger. Please close your debugger and try again. Summary on the start-up debugging and trial operation of the first generating units of Three Gorges Hydropower Plant 调试程序运行时信息权限管理不能操作。请关闭调试程序然后重试。三峡电站首批机组的起动调试及试运行
If you try moving the next statement to another scope, the debugger opens a dialog box with a warning and gives you a chance to cancel the operation. 如果试图将下一条语句移动到另一个范围,则调试器将打开一个含有警告的对话框,并提供一个取消该操作的机会。